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Wedding Blog

All I want for Christmas…

All I want for Christmas…

Do you have any idea how many options there are for wedding rings?! Honestly, since we got engaged we have both been trying desperately to find the perfect rings that we love and will want to wear for the rest of our lives, and when you’re marrying a man who doesn’t wear jewellery thats one heck of a challenge.

We went through so many options. At one point Chris was having a black one (at no point was he ever having a black one, he just didn’t realise for quite some time but we’re all good). I simply couldn’t settle on a style for months, driving the jewellers crazy nipping in whenever i got chance to try them all on again, taking pictures for reference of course.

Almost a year since we got engaged, we finally both found the right ring for each of our personalities, and we even managed to pick them up on significant dates to us which was a result.

In no way did i keep sneakily trying on my wedding ring while Chris was sleep over Christmas, I mean, who would do that?…