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Archive for October 2017

Which way do you dress sir?

Which way do you dress sir?

I tend to go pants first tbh. Oh you mean? Wow is that really a thing? Thankfully Vickys dad tipped me off about that, it seems he must have had experience!
The suit fittings had to be done in two stages, one with Sam, Dan Brennan, Louis (with Jim who had been cramping the poor freshers style and staying over in his student halls the night before… harsh!) and Greg.

My best man Dan Lead, Vickys dad Ray and my dad were unable to make it for various reasons but getting half of the Groomsmen team together wasn’t a bad effort and I would at least get a consensus as to if people liked the suits and the tailored cut fitted right on us. This was all a fairly new experience to me.

The last suit I bought was my engagement suit in Paris just before taking Vicky to dinner in the Eiffel Tower. It actually made us quite late for dinner, but I realised I needed a suit and ultimately Vickys help to pin the bottom of the trousers up with her theatrical dress making skills. I digress.
The second session involved getting my hilarious best friend together with my also hilarious father outlaw. I heard a thing the other week that said professional comedians hate playing Liverpool, because they get heckled from an entire audience made up people who think they are funnier. I think the same may also apply to Hull, so between the two of them it was “ding ding, all aboard the banter bus”.
They did get on really well though even though it was strangely the first time they had met. So the speeches should be errm let’s say interesting.

They were both very helpful and made the suit fitting session very easy. My dad however struggling with mobility issues, was a slightly different story, and three suits later after completely fictitious measurements he gave us, we got him fitted.

So the good news is everyone seems to like the suit, and gents you look sharp! We need to figure out two things now, whether we are matching the tie to the bridesmaids dresses which is a beautiful colour but not easy to match, and what happened to Greg’s other shoe?…

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